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Foundations Tracking

Mar 5, 2024 - Mar 20, 2025

  • 381 Days
  • 8 Steps


The goal of Foundations is to record our 10 Rep Max. You will record the best of your 3 attempts in this section. You will complete 3 sets on each exercise prior to moving on, meaning you have 3 opportunities to achieve your best result. You will record the results from your best set (only record the set you hit 10 reps on). Eg if set 1 you got 12 reps at 10kg, set 2 you got 10 reps at 17.5kg and set 3 you got 8 reps at 20kg - Set 2 is the result you would record. We would encourage you to follow the below format Set 1 : Warm up/priming set. Pick a weight where you can perform all reps with a controlled tempo, good form, and can reach 12-15 reps of the weight. (if you can do over 15 reps, you went too light. If you can't reach 12 reps, you went too heavy) Set 2 : Go for your 10 Rep Max. Pick a weight that is challenging but you can complete 10 Reps, this allows you to record a score while still having an additional set to attempt to beat it. Set 3 : Attempt to go heavier than Set 2. If you hit 10 reps, amazing - You have a new PR, but if you don't get it, that's ok as you have your score from Set 2.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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